Webinar CRESTT

SESSION 01: "Decentralization Technology and the Global Transition of Capital Allocation: The Challenges of the West and the East"

This session explores the transformative impact of decentralization technologies, particularly blockchain, on global capital allocation. We will analyze how blockchain is reshaping financial markets, investment strategies, and regulatory frameworks across different regions. The webinar will delve into the unique challenges and opportunities faced by Western and Eastern economies in adopting these technologies. Participants will gain insights into how blockchain facilitates more transparent, secure, and efficient asset transactions, and the implications for future financial systems.


SESSION 02: "Crypto and Decentralization Technology: The Future of Blockchain in Asset Management"

In this webinar, we will discuss the future of asset management through the lens of crypto and decentralization technologies. The session will cover how blockchain and decentralized finance (DeFi) are revolutionizing asset management practices, offering unprecedented levels of security, transparency, and efficiency. Attendees will learn about the latest developments in blockchain technology, the rise of digital assets, and how these innovations are poised to redefine the asset management industry, providing new opportunities for investors and financial institutions alike.


SESSION 03: "Integrating Blockchain with Traditional Asset Management Systems: A Roadmap"

This session provides a detailed roadmap for integrating blockchain technology with traditional asset management systems. We will explore practical steps for implementing blockchain solutions, including overcoming technical and regulatory hurdles, ensuring interoperability, and optimizing performance. The webinar will highlight case studies and best practices, demonstrating how blockchain can enhance traditional asset management by improving transaction efficiency, security, and transparency. Participants will leave with a clear understanding of how to navigate the integration process and leverage blockchain for competitive advantage.



1. Investors

  • Description: Individual and institutional investors interested in understanding the impact of decentralization technologies on global capital markets and seeking new investment opportunities.

2. Companies

  • Description: Businesses looking to explore how decentralization technologies can optimize their financial operations and adapt to new market dynamics.

3. Organizations

  • Description: Non-profits and public sector entities interested in the broader economic implications of decentralization and how it affects global financial stability and economic development.

4. Researchers

  • Description: Academics and analysts focusing on the study of economic trends, blockchain technology, and global financial systems.

5. Security Companies

  • Description: Firms specializing in cybersecurity and data protection, looking to understand the security implications of decentralization technologies and how to safeguard digital assets.

6. Asset Management Funds

  • Description: Fund managers and financial institutions seeking to incorporate blockchain-based solutions to enhance asset management practices and improve investment returns.




1. Investors

  • Learn about the transformative impact of blockchain and decentralization on global capital allocation.
  • Gain insights into the unique challenges and opportunities in Western and Eastern financial markets.
  • Discover new avenues for investment in decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain-based assets.

2. Companies

  • Understand how decentralization technologies can streamline operations and improve financial transparency.
  • Learn about strategic approaches to integrating blockchain into existing business models.
  • Explore opportunities for innovation and competitive advantage in a decentralized financial landscape.

3. Organizations

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the economic implications of blockchain and decentralized technologies.
  • Learn about potential policy and regulatory challenges associated with the global transition of capital allocation.
  • Discover how decentralized technologies can support economic development and financial inclusion.

4. Researchers

  • Access the latest research and data on the impact of decentralization technologies on global finance.
  • Engage with leading experts and practitioners in the field of blockchain and economics.
  • Identify new areas for academic research and collaboration.

5. Security Companies

  • Understand the security challenges and solutions related to blockchain and decentralized finance.
  • Learn about best practices for safeguarding digital assets in a decentralized ecosystem.
  • Explore opportunities to develop advanced security protocols and services for blockchain technologies.

6. Asset Management Funds

  • Gain insights into the integration of blockchain solutions to enhance asset management strategies.
  • Learn about the regulatory and compliance considerations for blockchain-based asset management.
  • Discover new investment products and services leveraging decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms.




AIDESS Safety Systems


CRESTT, Center of Research on Strategic Trends and Technologies is a security organization focused in supporting, guiding, and providing technical solutions to the community, and organizations, to counter act the exposure of new generations to large scale schemes of systemic radicalization and vulnerability of strategic areas. CRESTTprovides technological and professional solutions to protect, deter and track sources and actors that threaten the security and sustainability of a society.



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